Library of Torah Learning Videos

Site: Academy of Shem
Course: Academy of Shem
Book: Library of Torah Learning Videos
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Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 5:31 AM




Noahide Nations has an extraordinarily high level of confidence in the content of the Torah teachings provided by our Rabbis and Instructors.  However, any views and opinions expressed in these teachings do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Noahide Nations, the Academy of Shem or the International Torah Fellowship.

1. What is the Meaning of Life?

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

With a great deal of wit and humor, Dr. Andrew Goldfinger, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, takes us on a journey of discovering the meaning of life, He is meticulous in giving us explanations on why God created the world, why God hides from us, what it means to have free will and being close to God. Dr. Goldfinger also shares with us examples of the five levels of pleasure and what love is, and is not. Find out how the simple act of giving influences the five worlds of Creation. What is teshuvah and much more in this most enjoyable teaching from Dr. Goldfinger.


2. The Role of Torah Study and Action

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Rabbi Reuvan Mann has been teaching Noahides for over 30 years and he provides us with an exhilarating teaching on the role of Torah study, and the actions we take to practice Torah.  You will also learn why Torah scholarship does not guarantee your elevation to the World to Come.  Rabbi Mann answers the questions like what is the world to come and how one receives eternal life, and why action in your life serving HaShem is so important.

3. Adam's Sacrifice

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Jack Saunders, of blessed memory, was a well known Noahide Leader and Torah teacher.  He taught non-Jews Torah for over 30 years before his passing.  Mr. Saunders shares his wisdom and knowledge to answer questions like, Why would Adam make a sacrifice immediately after being created?, Where was Adam created?, Why are we here and what is our purpose?, Where did Noah make his sacrifice after leaving the Ark?, and much more.  You will want to watch this teaching over and over again to continue to gain more insights to the wonders of God's Torah.


4. The Tetragrammaton

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Dr. Rabbi Zvi Aviner discusses the all important Tetragrammaton(Y-H-V-H).  He shares valuable information on the Name, the significance of knowing the Name, the meaning of the Name and how we violate the law on idolatry by not using the Name properly.  Who is Elohim, what is the klepah, the six days of Creation, the creation of Adam and many more questions get answered during this fabulous teaching.

5. The Jewish and Gentile Awakening

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Rabbi Yishai Fleisher is a pro-Israel activist, a podcast host, and international spokesperson for the Jewish community of Hebron in Israel. Fleisher is a strong advocate of aliyah, the migration to Israel of Jews from around the world having founded the Kumah organization.  Rabbi Fleisher shares an amazing teaching about the Jewish and Gentile exile, the Jewish and Noahide awakening, provides a tool belt for Noahides to fight in this world and the joy that Noahides feel by serving God.

6. The Heavens Declare the Glory of Hashem

Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander of the Nacent Sanhedrin takes us on a journey of study in Psalm 19, written by King David who taught us that the heavens declare the glory of HaShem. Rabbi Hollander offers a unique interpretation of this Psalm and shares with us that we cannot allow the mind to prevent us from experiencing that which is in the heart. He draws comparisons on the Malbim and the Abarbanel during this teaching, while comparing various texts of Psalm 19. Rabbi Hollander also speaks of the astronomy used by King David when he wrote this Psalm. He briefly discusses his desire for the Noahides and a Noahide Beit Midrash in Israel.

7. The Moshiach

From the World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Judge Rabbi Sander Goldberg, utilizing the Talmud, Rambam, Ramban and other primary sources, clearly demonstrates why Jesus, Shabbetai Zvi and any others were not the Mashiach.  Judge Goldberg teaches on when the first redemption could have happened as well as Israel's receiving the Torah.  He further discusses why it is problematic to calculate the exact time when the Mashiach will be anointed and why some sages did it anyway.  There are to many teachings to list here but rest assured you will want to watch this one over and over again.  There is an excellent Q&A session following the teaching.

8. The Riddle of the Exodus

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Jim Long, author of the 'Riddle of the Exodus', provides the audience with an abundance of overwhelming evidence in favor of the Exodus having actually occurred.  Using historical and archeological evidence, Mr. Long, authenticating this biblical event.  He provides information that has simply been disregarded by the archeological community.  After viewing this teaching you will wonder why archeologist's live in denial.

9. The Religion of Our Fathers

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Rabbi Reuvan Mann gives a powerful presentation on Abraham and his 37 year journey of intellectual and spiritual discovery of the One True Creator of all things.  Abraham experienced great difficulty in freeing himself from idolatry, much like non-Jews of today are doing.  Your life may be a reflection of Abraham and this wonderful teaching.

10. NOAH & Tzedaka Awards Presentations

Noahide Nations Noah Award is a lifetime achievement award, specifically created to honor a ben or bat Noah whose life or work has impacted the Noahide community in some positive way. Achievement's can be for charitable works or promoting and teaching Torah, and the concept of the Seven Laws of Noah. This year's recipient is being recognized for a lifetime of work for Torah, God and Israel. This year's recipient is Professor Vendyl Jones.

Noahide Nations bestows the T'zedakah Award to an individual whose life reveals the qualities of Zedek.  The Hebrew word for a righteous person, Zedek is derived from the word meaning charity and lovingkindness. More importantly, this Zedek is a reflection of our Creator in whose unity we find both mercy and justice. This year's recipient is John Voight.

11. Bnai Noah Throughout History

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

When Professor Vendyl Jones, of blessed memory, was not on his archeological hunt for the Ark of the Covenant he was teaching Torah for Noahide to Non-Jews or studying Torah.  Professor Jones gives a most profound teaching on the difference of the Noahide Covenant and the Covenant given at Mt. Sinai, who was a Noahide and when did there become a difference, "The Tale of the Snake", and much more.

12. I Have a Vision: Noahides and the Jews

Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander teaches on the Psalm 117 and the different interpretations as it relates to Gentiles and Jews. 


13. Confrontational Torah

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Nagid Noahide Leader, George Brock, takes us back to the time of Abraham, who was probably the most prolific evangelist in the history of Mankind.  Using humorous stories and parables, George, teaches us how to convey the truth of HaShem and His Torah.  Learning these concepts will equip Noahides to proactively and effectively do what Abraham did, bring people to the knowledge of God.  You will learn to confront but not be confrontational.  Learn six points on who God is as well as ways to build your Torah knowledge.  Find out what the maps, missions and methods to learning and teaching Torah really are.

14. Rosh HaShanah and B'nai Noah

Rabbi Zvi Aviner, has been teaching Noahides for many years and has been teaching in the Noahide Nations Torah Learning Center for over 12 years. He presents a beautiful presentation of Rosh Hashanah and what it means for Noahides and why we should celebrate it. Rosh Hashanah is a celebration of Creation and in particular the creation of Man by God. It is also the day that all of Creation will stand in judgment by Elohim, including all of Mankind. Rabbi Aviner's marvelous teaching on Rosh Hashanah should certainly be heard by all of Mankind. One day all the nations will understand why they should be celebrating this important day in creation. The depth of this teaching by Rabbi Aviner will benefit all who watch, listen and learn.

15. Raising Our Kids in Torah With N.O.A.H.

Over the centuries the Jewish people have always made the Torah education of their people a priority, this education begins at a very early age in childhood. As Noahides we must follow the examples of the Jewish people by providing Torah education to our children at an early age. With the present state of our educational system the teaching of Torah to children does not exist. In fact, there are organizations whose sole purpose in life is to remove God completely from society. N.O.A.H was created in response to this issue by providing Torah learning opportunities for children and parents alike.  Christine and Elisa give us an excellent in-depth overview of what N.O.A.H has to offer for the next generation of Noahides. If we ever hope to bring about a better world we must begin teaching our Noahide children at an early age and we must begin NOW.

16. Are Noahides Obligated to Sanctify HaShem?

Rabbi Michael Katz, who has been working with and teaching Noahides since the late 1980s and actually took part in the very first Noahide conference. Rabbi Katz offers teachings from the Talmud and what it means to sanctify the name of God, how does one do that, what is required to sanctify the name of God and what does this mean for the Jew and the Noahide?

17. Noahide Halacha

Rabbi Chaim Richmond is one of the leading authorities on the Noahide Laws and has received thousands of halachic questions from Noahides over the years. In this teaching he answers a great many of the most often asked questions. Questions like what can a Noahides study, how many mitzvot are Noahides allowed to keep, can Noahides keep Shabbat, can Noahides study Torah and many more.

He also reminds us that we are personally responsible for whatever we do and do not do, and will be judged by the heavenly court accordingly.

HaShem and his Torah govern every aspect of our lives through commandments but is very compassionate in that governing. This lecture may be the most valuable of the entire conference. You will want to listen to it many times to ensure that you are getting all the important information.

18. The Holy Temple

From the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations

Rabbi Chaim Richman, who was the International Director of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, gives a stirring on the Holy Temple and its connection to all of Mankind.  All the prophets foretell of the future Temple.  Rabbi Richman provides an astounding depth of knowledge and wisdom on both a spiritual and physical in teaching about the Temple, instruments used in the Temple and much more...

19. Understanding the Soul

Rabbi Avraham Sutton, author, teacher, spiritual guide and long time friend to the Noahide takes us on a spiritual journey with song and teachings that will elevate the soul to higher levels.


20. Blood Brothers: A History of Israel's Enemy



Film Producer, author and long time Noahide, Jim Long, takes us on an examination of the historical struggle between the biblical twins, Jacob and Esau.  Jim discusses their opposing world views that have nurtured entire     cultures and is the source of centuries of wars between nations. 

The sages teach that the bloody legacy of Esau/Edom spawned the Roman Empire, nurtured the foundations of Europe and fuels a Rampant consumerism that still drives the Western World to this day.

Jim also gives a special tribute to Professor Vendyl Jones, of blessed memory.

21. Thinking Dynamics For Torah


Doug Taylor, longtime Noahide and steeped in Torah knowledge teaches on the most important tool you will ever use in your study of Torah.  This is a very interactive teaching and will have you studying Torah to depths you never have before.

22. The Story of Creation

What does the Torah tell us about creation?  Rabbi Zvi Aviner takes the audience on an exploration of why HaShem would have Moshe write down the details of the seven days of creation.  What is the significance of these details?


23. What Is Emuna?


Rabbi Lazer Brody will energize you with this enlightening teaching on Emuna. Rabbi Brody stated that Noahide's are heroes because of how difficult it is to be Noahide, but we have Emuna. The more Emuna we have the easier life becomes. Rabbi Brody will teach you why this is and how to have Emuna.

24. Messianic Redemption

Rabbi Tovia Singer tells noahide's how important they are in the messianic age. Rabbi Singer then does what he does best and that is a Q & A session with the audience that reveals many incredible revelations.


25. Prophesy and End Times


Rabbi Avraham Sutton delivers an incredible teaching on the End Times and the depths of the prophesies that tell us about the End Times.  You will understand much more about the "Gog of Magog", the Mashiach, Israel, as well as the spiritual protection and much more.  

26. Noahide & Jews Roundtable Duscussion

This roundtable discussion between B'nai Israel and B'nai Noah is possibly the most powerful and uplifting moment of the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations.  The panel includes a number of rabbis including Rabbi Chaim Richmond, Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, Rabbi Zvi Aviner and also Dr. Andrew Goldfinger as well as Malkah Fleischer and Yishai Fleischer. They answered many important questions such as Noahides being able to do more than just the seven Noahide Laws, can Noahides eat kosher, where's the zit zit and/or a tallit and do Noahides hurt their souls if they do an additional mitzvot and do it wrong. Also discussed was lashon-hara (evil speech), what is it and what it is not, the damage being done when somebody commits lashon-hara and how does it hurt you when you commit lashon-hara? There are too many topics to list here but if you want to be inspired about being a Noahide and in what our future holds than you do not want to miss this roundtable discussion.

27. Is Teshuvah Repentance?


Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, who is a Segan with the Jerusalem Court of the Nacent Sanhedrin shares some of the happenings of the movement.  He then takes us on a journey of discovery where we learn the true meaning of T'shuvah.  There are many aspects of t'eshuvah that may never have been of that Rabbi Hollander reveals in his teaching.


28. Noahides, God's Will and Human Equality

Rabbi Moshe Ben Chaim, founder of, takes us on a Talmudic journey to provide us with understanding on a variety of challenging topics.  You will gain important knowledge on why there is only one religion for man, why the Noahide Laws are a right to life and what it means, the purpose of doing mitzvot, why are all other religions just a belief and how does God get us to think for ourselves and why? Rabbi Ben Chaim also teaches on why the seventh day of creation is so important and why the Sabbath is the Sabbath to God, and what it means for Noahides. You will want to watch this DVD over and over again to make certain that you are understanding Rabbi Ben Chaim's in-depth teachings.

29. Women's Torah Learning Experience

Rebbitzin Reana Richmond held a very special teaching for all the women who attended the 2011 World Conference of the Noahide Nations. She gave a deeply spiritual teaching on the enormous feminine spiritual energy that existed during the Exodus. Women played a significant role in the success of the Exodus. This teaching will help you discover what your potential is so that you can fulfill that potential.

30. Noahide Laws & Life Cycle Yeshiva Course Overview Class

 This program was originally sponsored by Noahide Nations and was created exclusively for the Rabbinic community, to provide Rabbis with a practical understanding of the Noahide laws. More and more Rabbis worldwide are being approached by non-Jews seeking connection with the Torah. Either they are looking to convert, Judaize, or explore Noahism. A fuller understanding of the Noahide laws and Noahide identity not only presents a solution to the difficulties caused by those looking to Judaize, but also empowers the Rabbinate with a solution to the numerous problems posed by conversion. Many prospective converts are unaware that the Torah does not require conversion to Judaism in order to enjoy a full relationship with the God of Israel.

To view the entire 61 lessons


31. Anyone Can Change the World

Rabbi Chaim Richman gives a moving lesson on how each one of us can change the world.  The trials and tribulations that each of us go through, when we leave our old belief system, to keep God's Torah.  

32. What Is The Future of the Noahide Movement?

Founder and Director of Noahide Nations, Ray Pettersen, addresses the audience about solutions for growing and unifying Noahides around the world. Ray shares many ideas and talks about the International Torah Fellowship. He also discusses courses for Noahide's to wish to start a Noahide group in their area.

33. There Is Nothing But Him

Rabbi Lazer Brody takes us on a journey about what freedom truly is as well as how to have inner peace the rest of our lives. Rabbi Brody will lift your soul closer to our Creator.


34. Q&A With Rabbi Tovia Singer

Rabbi Tovia Singer answers questions pertaining to the claims made by missionaries in their attempts to support their religious belief system Rabbi Singer exposes the tricks and games played to convert Jews and re-save those who have left the Christian religion. Hear how beautiful the truth really is.

35. Transforming Exile Into Redemption

Rabbi Avraham Sutton share the deep understanding of prophesies as it relates to angels and the events happening in the Heavens which causes events in the physical here on Earth.  Rabbi Sutton uses the prophesies of Daniel and the End Times and take us on a spiritual journey to understand what Daniel was telling us.


36. Noahides Day to Shine

Ray Pettersen, founder of Noahide Nations, introduces Saturday's speaker lineup and topics that were presented by Noahides. He also discusses some of the challenges that today's Noahides are faced with and what Noahide Nations is doing to meet those challenges head-on.  With the help of other Noahides solutions to these challenging issues. The next generation of Noahide's can continue to move forward with this knowledge and wisdom. One of the biggest issues facing Noahides is the lack of local Noahide communities to participate in and fellowship with. Ray also challenges Noahides to use the gifts that Hashem has provided to them to bring about Hashem's destiny for all of mankind.