I Get Ger 2.0/Shalom 70/Kabbalah of Adam Exposed

Site: Academy of Shem
Course: Academy of Shem
Book: I Get Ger 2.0/Shalom 70/Kabbalah of Adam Exposed
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Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024, 4:32 PM



Table of contents

1. Introduction

I must say from the onset that I never thought I would have to put together this kind of material when I launched Noahide Nations 15 years ago.  It just never occurred to me that there would be a group of non-Jews, many that I know personally, that would attack my wife and I, Noahide Nations and the rabbinic Jewish community.  How can the work that has been done by so many to spread the Torah to the non-Jewish world be so brutalized by people who claim to be righteous.  For 15 years all that we have tried to do is bring Torah learning opportunities for non-Jews, unity between Noahides and the Jewish community, help others in need of help and to live by HaShem's Torah and make ourselves better people.  This has been demonstrated through our work and that of a great many others.  We will continue to do HaShem's work despite what this group has done to us.  But, in parsha Pinchas we learn that sometimes one needs to take an aggressive approach to make things right.  It is with sadness that I have had to take this posture in this case but there was simply no other solution. 

For the record, when we mention "Ger" in this material we do not, in any way, mean the non-Jews who have put in significant time, effort and finances to convert to Judaism.  We are specifically referring to Mike Mattlage and Russell Kirk's Ger Gang.

This section is a compilation of Torah violations committed by the leaders of I Get Ger/I Get Ger 2.0/Shalom 70 over the past several years against the Noahide and Jewish communities.  It is for the purpose of reclaiming my name and that of my family, my reputation as well as that of Noahide Nations and the many other people who have worked with Noahide Nations.  You will find many names of individual Rabbi's, Noahides, Jews and institutions that have been attacked due to their association with Noahide Nations.  This will show you why it is so important to find teachers of good character who actually know the Noahide Laws.  I hold the leaders/teachers Mike Mattlage, Russell Kirk and their teachers Joel Bakst (Baks), David Katz and Chaim Clorfene completely responsible for the teachings that have produced these kinds of actions on the part of their students.  There are many members in their group who also chimed in with their 2 cents or simply sat back and watched Mike and Russell destroy the names and reputations of good people.  None of these members ever contacted Noahide Nations to notify us of what this group was doing to people.  

I am sorry that I have been forced into this but the recent video of Mike trying to do teshuvah was more than I could handle.  They sent this out in the form of a blanket email and/or Instant Message of Facebook.  This video does not even resemble teshuvah let alone be called teshuvah.  Here is the IM that I received from Mike Mattlage that is supposed to be teshuvah.

"We extended our sincere apologies and truly desire peace . Please let’s join for the good together for the sake of heaven

I'm not sure if this is my special teshuvah message or part of a blanket coverage IM.  I doesn't matter because this is NOT teshuvah.

After I received this IM and saw Mike Mattlage's apology/peace video I contacted his current teacher Joel Bakst (Baks) and discussed this with him.  Afterwards, I sent him an email outlining the teshuvah that needed to be done or I would release all this information.  I gave them a full week as a deadline to get this taken care of but when you see Mike's and or Russell's teshuvah attempt you will understand why this information had to be released.  I guess they didn't know how serious I was.  It has now been over 2 weeks so now you can learn who these people truly are.  

If you see everything in this book but still want Mike Mattlage, Russell Kirk. Joel Bakst (Baks), David Katz and/or Chaim Clorfene as your Torah teacher's then by all means go and learn their brand of Torah.  Noahide Nations does not teach the Torah that these men have been teaching the past few years and never will.

Some of this information may not be suitable for your children.

If you have questions, after having viewed the information please contact me at ray@noahidenations.com.                              

2. Ger Leader Mike Mattlage Slanders Ray Pettersen and Noahide Nations

This is one of the most vile and vulgar performances of loshon Hara, slander and liable that I have ever witnessed. This is a complete violation of Hashem's Torah whether you are a Jew or a non-Jew.  This was done publicly and spread all over the Internet, especially Facebook.


After viewing the video please return and read a response from a third party who was actually there at the time that all of this occurred.  I will include my responses in blue.


Comments on the Mike Mattlage slander video:

First, I haven't received an apology so I don't know what they mean by doing Teshuvah. If he wants to apologize to me he can send me an email @

Second, Teshuvah means specificity, what specifically are they asking forgiveness for?

Third, what steps are they going to take to make sure they never repeat these actions again?

Fourth, do they admit that they were actually wrong, or are they merely trying to placate others so they can further their own agendas? 

Fifth, even if there is true Teshuvah here, Matlidge makes the mistaken assertion that we should or must work together. 

A minor correction on the name Matlidge mentions in the video, his name is Avraham Bloomenstiel, not Avraham Bloomenstien. 

Ray sent two videos. I assume the second video he sent, which is an attack video was sent to show some of the things Mike Matlidge specifically might need to do Teshuvah for. I would like to know if he is apologizing for this video and the many other nasty attack videos he made and sent out (and deleted) over the years. 

Regarding history Matlidge represents here, I don't think Matlidge spoke at a VJRI conference until after his death. The first time I remember meeting him was at VJ's 2008 conference. He was there with George Brock's group from Waco and he was in attendance but not teaching. As far as conferences after Vendyl's passing I don't know. I know he was learning with a person whom Noahides had been warned against studying. The warning was made regarding both the material he was teaching and the controversy of his personal life. Matlidge broke off his relationship, I believe, with this person for a time but went back and started learning with him. Eventually, he began learning with David Katz who was another controversial character. 

I never saw Mike teach at any conferences when Vendy was alive either.  Vendyl would never have allowed the ger teachings.  He would have been totally against it.  

I'm not familiar with Russell's involvement with the founding of Noahide Nations (or NN), however, I was definitely involved. It started with an idea on a napkin Ray presented to Rabbi Bar-Ron at a meeting where those in attendance were invited to join what would later be called the High Council of B'nai Noah. Ray didn't join the group as he felt it was more important to create Noahide Nations.

Russell Kirk never had anything to do with Noahide Nations.  Russell contacted me as a result of finding the Noahide Nations web site on the Internet.  A few people in their I Get Ger 2.0/Shalom 70 group were their at the beginning with financial support but also had nothing to do with the creating of Noahide Nations.  Sadly, they have sat back and watched Mike and Russell's continued attacks against me and Noahide Nations and chose to do nothing to defend me and/or Noahide Nations.

At the beginning of the NN project Ray Pettersen, Andy Overal, Jacob Scharff, and I (then) Adam Penrod, would have weekly meetings about creating the website. We even came up with a name for ourselves, the "Core Four." Eventually, Ray took sole control of the development of the project but asked me to help him organize some articles and help him contact a few people (This was in 2004 - 2006 which is when the site launched I believe). He also asked me for advice on matters here and there. Perhaps Russell was involved in the project but I don't remember Ray ever mentioning him until I moved to Kileen, TX in 2007(8). I met Russell for the first time and we became friends and eventually, he took me to meet George Brock (I previously met George at a VJRI conference but didn't know much about his group in Waco). I attended George's Saturday morning meeting and suggested they broadcast the meeting on Shabbat for those who couldn't attend. They did this and it was a success. I don't remember seeing Matlidge there although I think he lived in Waco. At this time, Russell wasn't actively involved with Noahide Nations or even George's Group (as I recall), although I think he might have been friends or acquaintances with Ray. 

George Brock has been providing the online and live Noahide gathering for 12 years or more in the Noahide Nations Academy of Shem.  I wish more people would come and join the gathering.  Join us HERE

The Noahide Nations Project at no time ever tried to control information. In fact, when Ray and I discussed it, we referred to it as a melting pot of Torah knowledge. The point was not to insist on one viewpoint of Torah learning but to offer up as many viewpoints as possible for others to draw their own conclusions. The problem NN and other B'nei Noah projects faces was a lack of serious and reliable Rabbis.

Matlidge grossly and I would say maliciously misrepresents the NN project in his video. Proof of my claim is the relationship with Rabbis that Ray was unable to form because they wanted to control NN. They wanted their version of the Torah to be the only voice. Ray was against this and always fought to keep NN independent. Eventually, Ray's fierce independence for NN was something I felt dissatisfied with, but to Ray's credit, he has always been consistent in his stand.

The only Torah that Noahide Nations has allowed to be taught was Orthodox.  I have made a few poor choices along the way and I regret making them.  And, there were virtually no Rabbis in the Orthodox community who wanted to teach non-Jews.  Many, to this very day, refuse to teach non-Jews.  I'm sure their reasons for this are many.  In fact one of the reasons could be the overall disrespect shown them by these, so called 'ger'.  Why would anyone want to be involved with people who have no problem slandering you when you don't agree with them.  Certainly, I don't associate with them.

The characterization of NN being a money only or money-focused organization is unfair and completely wrong. The point of selling materials was to recoup costs Ray spent out of pocket for products and services for those in the B'nei Noach community. As far as I know, he never made any money with NN but lost money. When I worked for NN back in 2012-2013 my paycheck wasn't a result of money NN was making but Ray paying me based on a deal Ray made with an investor at the time. I was paid for my work on NN and the work I did for the business, although eventually, I became an exclusive employee of NN. I feel Matlidge's characterization regarding money and NN was malicious. These words were false and harmful to Ray's and NN's personal reputation and brand.

What is amazing about this is that Mike has made the "only for the money" statements repeatedly over the years but has no problem with his teachers generating funds for expenses and maybe a meal or two.  But Noahide Nations is not allowed to do this without being brutally attack by Mike, Russell and the members of their I Get Ger/Shalom 70 group.  More on this later in the Ger Hypocrisy section of this book.

If memory serves, originally there was an organization called the Central Texas Noahide Group (or something) Ray founded with those in Central Texas, but eventually, he started NN (or turned this organization into NN) as a separate project. 

This is accurate and neither Mike nor Russell were ever involved with its creation.

Matlidge spends some time in the attack video going into David Katz and how he (Matlidge) first had the ideas Katz would later offer regarding ger and therefore the concept was nothing new and therefore (presumably) legitimate since someone else thought of the idea. Such a path to legitimacy should be suggested to flat earthers in their quest to legitimize their claims as Matlidge thinks having an idea makes it credible.

This is simply Mike's getting away from him.  Meaningless dribble.

I can't speak to whether Matlidge ingeniously "discovered" ger before people became aware of ger, but I have already written a lengthy commentary on my interactions with Katz which I put on the NN discussion forum at some point. I can provide that background if it is necessary later. 

Matlidge also inserts his credentials as being a part of the living transmission of Kabbalah by learning from his teacher (the controversial one mentioned earlier). This isn't correct, it is impossible for Matlidge to be part of the living transmission because he isn't Jewish. If he wants to be part of the living tradition of the teachings of Judaism he should convert. Matlidge's comment here reveals part of the reason the "Ger" group has been so controversial. In effect, his claim is non-Jews can be as much a part of the transmission of Torah tradition as Jews. This isn't true.

See above...

After making his claim about the transmission of the Torah, Matlidge returns once again to his complaint that Noahide Nations charged him for learning Torah. As I understood it the charge was so Ray could pay Katz who wanted to be paid for his efforts. What's the problem? I have lots of criticisms for Katz but I never criticized his need to be paid for his work (although I questioned whether he should be paid for the quality of his work which was terrible). 

This is further shown with text and images in the Ger Hypocrisy section.  But, one thing for sure is that David Katz demanded $500 a month from me to teach.

This video is an attack video where Matlidge accuses Ray of "prostituting the Torah." Is the apology video apologizing for this attack video and others like it Matlidge made? 

Mike Mattlage admits that he asked that question as if he was some kind of hero or something.  He did this during my lecture and in front of an auditorium full of people.  Mike has no problem tearing people down and should probably have a glance at Ethics of the Fathers (Pirkei Avos).  Clearly, he never learned any manners.  Again, more of this kind of nonsense can be found in the Hypocrisy section.

Next, Matlidge claims Avraham Bloomenstiel was brought on to Noahide Nations to destroy Katz. When Ray first told me Katz would be writing articles for NN I was annoyed. I don't know if I ever told him this before, but it really irritated me for one reason. Here was one more Rabbi from who knows where who had something to sell to Noahides. He was selling his version of "the way things are for non-Jews." He had zero credibility, no one knew who he was and he had gone through no vetting process (another such video is the Matlidge's personal teacher he mentioned earlier in the video). 

This statement is correct and once I found out that he refused to share substantive sources for his articles his articles didn't published on the site and others removed.  I do not blame this person for being upset with me and well they should have.  I am embarrassed to say that I gave David Katz his opening into the Noahide movement.  I am still paying for that to this very day.

Over the twenty years of being involved with B'nai Noah, the one consistent thing I saw over and over again was anonymous Rabbis who had no credibility, were unvetted, but with a new vision of the seven laws walk off the street to claim their all-important role as the teacher of all Noahides. The result of almost every one of these people was they came in and created a huge mess, made some money, and then left like a puff of wind. Noahides needed to stop consulting with nobodies and needed to start looking for Rabbis with some kind of credibility in the Jewish world. David Katz had zero credibility in the Jewish World and here he was selling his insights into the seven laws. At first, he called this the Academy of Shem, but grew dissatisfied with this term or concept and eventually rebranded it to "ger" after he left NN. Did he cause a big mess? Yes. The only difference between him and other Rabbis is he's still around and still making messes. 

When Ray brought me into the office to tell me Katz quit NN my first reaction was, "Thank God," because I knew this guy was going to cause problems; which he has. Ray was mad at me at the time for having this attitude but after Katz's round of bridge-burning, I think he understood my insight better.

Sometimes I can be a bit thick, but, Hashem is working with me regularly. smile

I introduced Ray and Avraham Bloomenstiel to one another because Bloomenstiel had the credibility Katz and others lacked. He had credibility in the Jewish community and his learning was far deeper than Katz. Katz had smichah and was a Rabbi but his smichah counted as a basic degree, like a Bachelor's degree. Bloomestiel, on the other hand, had a Ph.D. for his smichah. He was trained as a posek, formerly served as the Rabbi of a synagogue, and worked as a sofer. He was also well known in the Jewish community he was a part of. Comparing credentials and credibility Bloomstiel had these in spades whereas Katz and others did not. That's why I introduced him and hoped Ray would add Bloomenstiel as a teacher or something.

The only thing I can add is that when Rabbi Bloomenstiel was closing his Judaica store I purchased a ton of his books.

Eventually, it was decided he would teach a class on the seven laws of Noah. In part, these classes were meant to inform b'nei Noah regarding actual halachah so they would have the tools to distinguish between real halachah and nonsense. If Bloomenstiel was brought on expressly to destroy Katz then why was the class about halachah and not Katz? 

This is all true.  I would add that the way this all came about was that the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim contacted me and it turned out that Rabbi Bloomenstiel was a teacher for the yeshiva.  The Rosh Yeshiva (Rabbi Fichel Todd) wanted to discuss the creation of a Noahide Laws course.  I agreed to meet and he flew out to Dallas from New Jersey and he, Rabbi Bloomenstiel and I met in my office.  The yeshiva wanted to create a course for Rabbis to take in order to learn the Noahide Laws and assist all the non-Jews who were showing up to convert but had never heard of the Noahide, let alone the Noahide Laws.  It was decided that the course would be developed in such a way that the Rabbis and Noahides would be able studying side by side.  

I asked them why they chose Noahide Nations for this venture.  I was told that they had investigated a number of different Noahide groups and organizations and determined that we were an organization that could be trusted and that we were the organization that had demonstrated that we would be around for the long haul.  Needless to say, but, I was very gratified to hear this from them.  And, so began the research by a team of poskim to develop the course.

I reviewed a lot of the material Bloomestiel wrote and I don't remember reading anything about David Katz in the material. I do remember a discussion on the technical usage of the term "ger," and that was done because the term was misappropriated to name this new thing Katz and his followers were trying to figure out.

As the founder of Noahide Nations I was able to sit in on a number of classes that went through the entire program.  I actually graduated with Class 1, but, during this entire time I never once heard Rabbi Bloomenstiel use David Katz's name. 

I say figure out because Katz wasn't clear in what he was trying to say about non-Jews and the Torah while at NN. It was clearly a developing idea while at Noahide Nations but at some point after he settled on a name for his new concept. The release of Katz's book "World of the Ger" left many people confused and they had a lot of questions. Rabbi Bloomenstiel was asked these questions and he did his best to answer them as clearly as possible. This was not him attacking Katz but him responding to legitimate questions. 

All true.

This attack on NN and Rabbi Bloomestiel in the second video (which almost sounds antisemitic) is perhaps one of the things Matlidge wishes to apologize for?

This is the video Mike was in condemning a group of highly respected Rabbis that Mike Mattlage refers to as the "Crazy Eight" and calls Avraham Sutton "Satan" rather than his actual name.  Truly disgusting.

Matlidge contrasts the "money-grubbing" Jew Bloomenstiel and Pettersen with his own selfless act of making Torah free to everyone. That's really big of him being so selfless, giving something away for free that no one would pay for. Perhaps he's apologizing for the nonsense he's been "teaching" over the years? 

More on this in a later section.

After this, Matlidge announces Ray's attempt at becoming the leader of all Noahides when he went to Israel to create his own Noahide Sanhedrin. Frankly, I don't remember this at all. The closest Ray came to a Sanhedrin that I can recall was the Noahide High Council formed by the Nascent Sanhedrin which he resolutely rejected being a part of. I'm not sure what he is talking about it could be the matter he's referring to happened during the time I was disconnected from b'nei Noah, but as he mischaracterized other matters, I'm hard-pressed to take him seriously on this point.

This is just further evidence that Mike Mattlage cannot be trusted on very much that he says.  The fact is that neither my wife or I have ever been to Israel either as a couple or individually.  Hashem has never blessed us with that opportunity.  And, yes, I resigned from this council for reasons that I will not get into here.  

Next, Matlidge claims his fight against NN and Bloomenstiel is the fight against good and evil, but it's not a churchy fight. Is this one of the comments he's apologizing for? 

Of course Mike believes he is the good and that we are evil.  The reality happens to be the exact opposite but I will leave that for you to decide.

He claims he is protecting the Rabbi or Rabbis (I'm not sure) but he does clarify that the Rabbis he will stand with are Katz, Clorefene, and presumably the ones who agree with him. I say this because I remember him attacking Rabbis and Jews and B'nei Noah in videos he put out. His attacks were so vicious that at one point Bloomenstiel had to call the police on him because of verbal threats he made on a Ger Gravy video where he said people should hunt down Bloomenstiel, Ray, myself, and others. Is he apologizing for this in the apology video?

Rabbi Bloomenstiel was actually called by one of the members of the I Get Ger group and had his life and that of his family threatened.  I have spoken to the person who did this because he sought to do teshuvah with Rabbi Bloomenstiel.  The enormity of the attacks by this group is more vast than can be articulated here.  However, I will say that David Katz actually accused Rabbi Bloomenstiel, publicly, of not even being a Jew and then went on to accuse Rabbis Bloomenstiel's parents and grandparents of the same thing.  Just imagine what he would do to you if you didn't agree with his teachings?   

Matlidge claims he and his group were in this since Vendyl Jones. I guess he's claiming they were a part of it while Vendyl was alive. I do remember some people in the Katz group associating to certain degrees with Vendyl but I don't remember Matlidge and I used to teach at VJRI and worked at their offices in Israel and later in Grand Prairie, TX. Maybe he's apologizing for his faulty memory? 

He claims once more the ger are the protectors of the Jews, but he means the Jews who agree with them. Being one of the Jew's who was attacked by him, I can attest he certainly never tried to protect me. I think Russell Kirk tried to keep me out of this fight for a while but unfortunately, we eventually went our separate ways.

I was very incensed by Matlidges's next attack on Ray regarding an investor who supported NN. I know exactly who he is referring to. I worked for Ray and this person. 

The investor was a homosexual Matlidge ranted, so what. I had many conversations with him and he seemed like he was trying to honestly find his way in life. He claimed to believe in God and I saw him do a lot of good things for different people. I was shocked when I learned what he did and what he did had nothing to do with being a homosexual. Homosexuals also want a relationship with God, and even though they may sin in one part of their life (like all of us) it doesn't mean God wants nothing to do with them. They are still people, created in the image of God.

The investor was a businessman, so what. Did he swindle a lot of people of their money? Yes, including Ray! This person is now in jail because Ray reported him and went after him legally (like a Noahide should). From Mike's comments, it sounds like he is claiming Ray along with the investor both were trying to swindle people!  This attack was hitting below the belt, lowdown and dirty, and plain false. Is he apologizing for this in his apology video? 

It's true that my wife and I had all of our retirement savings stolen, $180,000.  We now live on Social Security with no savings.  Our lives changed forever on that day.  And, yes, I worked with the FBI for over two years to get this guy convicted and imprisoned.  He was sentenced to 11 years and must serve a minimum of 80% inside.  Unfortunately, my wife and I have been sentenced to the remainder of our lives living on less than poverty level income.  What is sadder still is that there are members of their I Get Ger/Shalom70 group that knew exactly what went on but chose to allow Mike Mattlage to ravage my name and reputation.  I am very disappointed in them for allowing it to get to that point. 

The attack video was filled with things Mike Matlidge and perhaps others need to apologize for. Is the apology video he sent an apology for these things? 

I have no problem with the idea of forgiving a person who sinned against me, but I have no reason to then work with them. 

There is also no requirement that I and/or Noahide Nations have to work with them.  They will just say I am now anti-redemption for not joining their Facebook group..

I was in yeshiva and we were discussing the notion of teshuvah. One of the guys in the class asked the rabbi about pedophiles. There are pedophiles who to do Teshuvah, the Torah says we should forgive a person if they do Teshuvah. So he asked the Rabbi, must I forgive a pedophile? 

The Rabbi said, "You must assume his Teshuvah is genuine, but that doesn't mean you have to trust him. Don't let your kids near him!"

In conclusion, if this is a legitimate apology and Matlidge is attempting to do Teshuvah then I am willing to forgive him if he ever apologizes to me for the things he did to me, but I don't think I would ever be willing to work with him on a project. I think he's burned his bridges and should just do his own thing.

I would only add that what Mike calls teshuvah is not teshuvah at all.  Anyone who uses the words "IF I have done anything..." is not taking responsibility for what they have done let alone confess what he did.  And, to send it to the huge list that he said he did speaks volumes of the number of people he has harmed along the way.  He does, however, provide an excellent teaching opportunity on what teshuvah is and what it is not.

I would also like to add that whenever someone talks to be about ger people, it's never anything good. It's always some ger person attacking someone else or making some unreasonable claim. 

I think the clearest sign for the people who are calling themselves "ger" should start demonstrating their sincerity by stopping acting like jerks. 

All the best,


2.1. Ray Pettersen's Victim Notification

Proof that Mike Mattlage is a fraud.

In Mike Mattlage's slander video he claims that I partnered with a homosexual to swindle millions of dollars from people.  Below is the proof that he is fabricating everything.  He did this to my wife and I while we were in the process of loosing our home.  Mike never contacted me, the source, to confirm anything.  So, his agenda of the destruction of my wife and I as well as Noahide Nations is quite clear. 

Proof that my wife and I were victims of the very crime that Mike talks about, and now victims of Mike's slander video. 




May 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI - Dallas
J. Gordon Shanklin Building
One Justice Way
Dallas, TX 75220-5220
Phone: (972) 559-5684

Ray Pettersen

RE: Case Number: 318B-DL-7519115

Dear Ray Pettersen:

As a Victim Specialist with the FBI - Dallas, I'm contacting you because we have identified you as a possible victim of a crime.

This case is currently under investigation by the FBI. A criminal investigation can be a lengthy undertaking, and, for several reasons, we cannot tell you about its progress at this time. A victim of a federal crime is entitled to receive certain services. The enclosed brochure introduces you to the FBI's Victim Assistance Program and the types of assistance that may be available to you.

Current information regarding the status of your case can be found on the Internet at https://www.notify.usdoj.gov or by calling the Victim Notification System (VNS) Call Center at 1-866-DOJ-4YOU (1-866-365-4968). You will need to enter your Victim Identification Number (VIN) '              ' and your Personal Identification Number (PIN) '             ' anytime you contact the Call Center and the first time you log into VNS on the Internet. If you are receiving notifications with multiple victim ID/PIN codes please contact the VNS Call Center. In addition, the first time you access the VNS Internet site, you will be prompted to enter your last name (or business name) as currently contained in VNS. The name you should enter is Pettersen.

You can also use the Call Center and the Internet to correct/update your contact information and/or change your decision regarding participation in the notification system. Your participation in this notification system is totally voluntary. You can choose not to participate or reactivate your access at any time. In order to continue to receive notifications, it is your responsibility to keep your contact information current.

The email address VNS currently has for you is ray@noahidenations.com. If this address is correct and you have not received an email from VNS within four days of the date of this letter, please check your junk/spam folder and accept emails from fedemail@vns.usdoj.gov. If the email address provided above is incorrect, please update the email address by accessing the VNS Web site. This email address has not been verified in VNS and future emails will not contain details about the nature of the notification. To receive subsequent emails with the full text of the notification you must verify this email address by accessing the VNS Internet web page using the login information provided above.

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If you have additional questions related to this matter, please contact me at (972) 559-5684. When you call, please provide the file number located at the top of this letter.


Melissa Stroop
Victim Specialist

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Please call the Victim Notification System (VNS) Help Desk at phone number 1-866-625-1631 for assistance and questions.

2.2. Ray Pettersen's Victim Impact Notification

Victim Impact Notification


September 21, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
Eastern District of Texas in Plano
101 East Park Boulevard
Suite 500
Plano, TX 75074
Phone: (972) 509-1201
Fax: (972) 509-1209

Ray Pettersen

Re: United States v. Defendant(s) Carlton C. Sayers
Case Number 2016R00201 and Court Docket Number 17-CR-00046

Dear Ray Pettersen:

The enclosed information is provided by the United States Department of Justice Victim Notification System (VNS). As a victim witness professional, my role is to assist you with information and services during the prosecution of this case. I am contacting you because you were identified by law enforcement as a victim or potential victim during the investigation of the above criminal case.

On September 18, 2017, defendant Carlton C. Sayers pled guilty to the charges listed below. Any remaining counts will be disposed of at the time of sentencing. As a result of the guilty plea, there will be no trial involving this defendant.

Number of
Description of Charge(s)Disposition
1 Fraud and related activity - id documents Guilty
1 Fraud by wire, radio, or television Guilty

It is helpful for the Court to know the impact of this crime on its victims. In an effort to provide this information to the Court, we are enclosing a Victim Impact Statement. If you choose to complete a statement, please forward it to:

United States Attorneys Office
Eastern District of Texas in Plano
101 East Park Boulevard
Suite 500
Plano, TX 75074

This is one way the Court can hear your concerns as they relate to the crime. A United States Probation Officer may also contact you in an effort to obtain additional victim impact information. Victim impact information is generally not public information; however, under criminal law and procedures, all information contained in your questionnaire will be disclosed to the defendant and his attorney.

Through the Victim Notification System (VNS) we will continue to provide you with updated scheduling and event information as the case proceeds through the criminal justice system. You may obtain current information about this case on the VNS website at https://www.notify.usdoj.gov or from the VNS Call Center at 1-866-DOJ-4YOU (1-866-365-4968) (TDD/TTY: 1-866-228-4619) (International: 1-502-213-2767). In addition, you may use the Call Center or Internet to update your contact information and/or change your decision about participation in the notification program.

You will use your Victim Identification Number (VIN) '              ' and Personal Identification Number (PIN) '               ' anytime you contact the Call Center and the first time you log into VNS on the website. If you are receiving notifications with multiple victim ID/PIN codes please contact the VNS Call Center. In addition, the first time you access the VNS website, you will be prompted to enter your last name (or business name) as currently contained in VNS. The name you should enter is Pettersen.

Remember, VNS is an automated system and cannot answer questions. If you have other questions which involve this matter, please contact this office at the number listed above.


Judy Daigle
Victim Witness Coordinator

If you do not want to receive email notifications from the Victim Notification System (VNS) please log into the VNS Web site at https://www.notify.usdoj.gov, select "My Information", remove your email address and click the "update" button. If you remove your email address, you will continue to receive letters from VNS except in those case which have large numbers of victims. To change your email address, select "My Information", provide a new address and click the "update" button.

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Please call the Victim Notification System (VNS) Help Desk at phone number 1-866-625-1631 for assistance and questions.


Victim: Ray Pettersen
USAO Number: 2016R00201
Court Docket Number: 17-CR-00046

Insert the impact of the crime here (or, if a separate victim impact form is attached, please use that form to describe the impact of the crime):

2.3. Ray Pettersen's Victim Impact Statement to Judge

United States v. Defendant(s) Carlton C. Sayers
Case Number 2016R00201

Dear Honorable Judge,

I am writing to you as a victim of Carlton Sayers, who stole $175,000 from my wife and me. I know that this is a “Victim Impact” statement but there is no way to convey the deep pain that continues to exist within my wife, Mary, and I. Chad Sayers, has quite literally, ripped our lives apart in ways that are difficult to explain and we will certainly never be able to recover from it.

First, the $175,000 was our retirement fund. My wife and I are past our prime in terms of obtaining an upwardly mobile and gainful employment. I am 60 and my wife is 72. We spent years saving the money Mr. Sayers stole from us and will never be able to recover from this kind of devastation.

Thankfully, Mr. Sayers was unable to steal our home, however, my wife and I finally succumbed to the financial strain and were no longer able to remain in our home of 10 years. Our goal was to use the equity we had in our home to use for our continued retirement. My wife is already retired and I was supposed to retire in a couple years. That will no longer happen.

Additionally, our credit has suffered through all this. Mary and I had an 800 plus credit rating. It has now dropped to the point that we now have to pay higher interest on money we borrow, that is, if we are able to be approved. Our credit cards were always paid off every month, but as a result of Mr. Sayers theft of our money we have had no choice but to max out our credit cards in order to survive. Household items that my wife and I would give to charity groups for those in need such as clothing, furniture, food, etc. we now have to sell to help pay bills.

These are just some of the physical impacts in our life and I assure you there are so many more that I would fill pages but it is simply too depressing.

The emotional side of this devastation has been worse than the loss of items, which we may ultimately lose everything we own. For nearly 2 years there has not been a day that goes by that I am not emotionally distraught to some degree. For twenty-three year’s I have been able to provide for my wife and I, until now. At this point, we are living day to day and praying to God to help us through the next day. We no longer trust anyone and don’t really have anyone we can turn to for the help we need to get ourselves back to where we once were.

For me, personally, I was always optimistic about our future, but that has completely changed to a feeling of despair, depression, desperation and simply a feeling of hopelessness. In the morning, I sometimes wake up in such despair that I just want to give up. I feel like I can’t take care of my wife and her needs, and certainly don’t feel like I can take care of my own. Nowadays I am also quick to anger, especially when this whole ordeal comes up in a conversation.

I remember the times when Mr. Sayers would tell us about his vacations; the many cruises he and his partner went on and the places they had seen. We were glad for him as it indicated to us that our investment was fine and we had nothing to worry about. As it turns out he was using our money to go on these luxury cruises. They told us about new cars they would buy, things they purchased for the house and Chad always had the money to pay for his mother’s care. He told us that cost $5000 a month and we admired him for taking care of his mother. This was before we found out that he was stealing investor’s money to do it.

The emotional rollercoaster we have been on has been miserable. The level of emotion for betrayal, stress, tears, anger, hopelessness, despair, desperation, panic, hate, our foolishness and stupidity in believing he was an honorable man, and many more emotions. The intensity of these emotions are simply indescribable. In my view Carlton Sayers is a master con man who has an ability to lie right to your face and not even blink. The number of lies and the level of destruction he has leveled on many good people are immeasurable. He is a man who has shown no remorse for what he has done and has no intension of paying us back which he said he would do; no heart, conscience or sad feelings for the devastation he has done to people’s lives and apparently has no fear of the law. He was warned by the FBI not to commit any further crimes but he still went ahead and did it anyway. This is a dangerous man. Though Mr. Sayers, is not considered a murderer, I can say, without reservation, that he murdered the life that my wife, Mary, and I built for the past 20 plus years. Without question, he has irrevocably changed our lives forever, for the worse.

It is my hope that he is sentenced to the maximum amount of time that the law allows. Of course, that will never be enough as his actions have sentenced us to a completely different life for the rest of our lives.


Ray Pettersen

2.4. Results of Ray Pettersen's Work With the FBI

I worked with the FBI for over 2 years providing them with everything they needed for a conviction.



March 06, 2018
U.S. Department of Justice
Eastern District of Texas in Plano
101 East Park Boulevard
Suite 500
Plano, TX 75074
Phone: (972) 509-1201
Fax: (972) 509-1209

Ray Pettersen

Re: United States v. Defendant(s) Carlton C. Sayers
Case Number 2016R00201 and Court Docket Number 17-CR-00046

Dear Ray Pettersen:

The enclosed information is provided by the United States Department of Justice Victim Notification System (VNS). As a victim witness professional, my role is to assist you with information and services during the prosecution of this case. I am contacting you because you were identified by law enforcement as a victim or potential victim during the investigation of the above criminal case.

Defendant Carlton C. Sayers was sentenced by the Court. The Court ordered the defendant to the following:

     Incarceration of 11 year(s)
     Followed by Supervised Release of 3 year(s)
     Special Assessment of $200.00.

Through the Victim Notification System (VNS) we will continue to provide you with updated scheduling and event information as the case proceeds through the criminal justice system. You may obtain current information about this case on the VNS website at https://www.notify.usdoj.gov or from the VNS Call Center at 1-866-DOJ-4YOU (1-866-365-4968) (TDD/TTY: 1-866-228-4619) (International: 1-502-213-2767). In addition, you may use the Call Center or Internet to update your contact information and/or change your decision about participation in the notification program.

You will use your Victim Identification Number (VIN) '                ' and Personal Identification Number (PIN) '               ' anytime you contact the Call Center and the first time you log into VNS on the website. If you are receiving notifications with multiple victim ID/PIN codes please contact the VNS Call Center. In addition, the first time you access the VNS website, you will be prompted to enter your last name (or business name) as currently contained in VNS. The name you should enter is Pettersen.

Remember, VNS is an automated system and cannot answer questions. If you have other questions which involve this matter, please contact this office at the number listed above.


Judy Daigle
Victim Witness Coordinator

If you do not want to receive email notifications from the Victim Notification System (VNS) please log into the VNS Web site at https://www.notify.usdoj.gov, select "My Information", remove your email address and click the "update" button. If you remove your email address, you will continue to receive letters from VNS except in those case which have large numbers of victims. To change your email address, select "My Information", provide a new address and click the "update" button.

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If you believe you have received this email in error, please contact the office listed at top of the email message.

Please note, if this is the first notification you have received from VNS you will need to wait 4-8 hours from receipt of this email before you can login to the VNS Internet site (https://www.notify.usdoj.gov). In addition, it will also be 4-8 hours before any documents which may have been uploaded to VNS as part of this notification are available under the "Downloads/Links" section on the Web page.

Please call the Victim Notification System (VNS) Help Desk at phone number 1-866-625-1631 for assistance and questions.

3. Mike Mattlage Tells Ger Gang Members to Hunt Down Noahides and their Rabbis

This is another one of Mike Mattlage's disgusting videos where he is telling his Ger Gang members how to hunt down the Erev Rav (mixed multitude), meaning Noahides and Rabbis who disagree with his interpretation of the Ger Toshav.  We know that Mike has made multiple teaching videos on this subject under the title 'Hunting stories with Uncle Mike'    Once these videos were discovered the Waco police department was notified of the threats made by Mike.  We don't know exactly what the interaction was between Mike and law enforcement but we do know that the videos were removed from the main Facebook page soon after contact was made with the police.  However, these videos are still hidden on the Shalom 70 Facebook page in the video section.  This is how we know that their "Peace" initiative is nothing more that a farce in an attempt to draw attention to themselves. 

What I find so amusing about this is that jesus said similar things like in Luke 19:27 "And these enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, bring them here and slay them in front of me."  Kind of interesting, isn't it?


4. It's All About the Money-The Practice of Hypocrisy

As you have probably heard and/or witnessed on videos and posts, Ray Pettersen and Noahide Nations are all about the money.  Mike Mattlage, Russell Kirk and many on the "ger" membership claim that this is the only purpose for our existence.  It has gone as far as Mike Mattlage bragging that he asked me why I was "prostituting Torah".  Mike Mattlage is very proud of the fact that he did this during the 2011 Noahide Nations World Conference during my lecture on the future of the Noahide movement.  He wanted to demonize me and ruin my reputation by asking this question in an auditorium full of Noahide and Jews who were attending the conference.  After seeing the absolute hypocrisy on the part the ger gang you will probably ask what is Mike Mattlage's, Russell Kirk and the ger gang's true agenda.  It seems that no one is allowed to generate any revenue to cover expenses and maybe generate enough to eat a burger or two for the effort put forth.  The only ones who are allowed to generate revenue are their teachers or individuals who are friends and believe the way they believe.  I would love for Mike and his gang to show us where in Torah it says that it's OK to be a hypocrite and ruin the names of individuals and organization for their own benefit.

Here are a couple glowing examples from the ger gang.  This first part will show Ger Kirk and others attacking Noahide Nations.

What is Ger Kirk's real agenda here?  Many of their own members recognize it but leader's Kirk and Mattlage never change their song.  A number of the statements made here are simply fabrications and distortions.  I'm just revealing their hypocrisy on money.

Maybe Mike and Russell can explain how Ray Pettersen and Noahide Nations are prostituting Torah and yet they are not prostituting Torah.  Does this make sense to anyone?

Russell Kirk

December 28, 2019

If Noahide was not a new religion why would it need a new Siddur... Let that sink in...

Gloria Culver The old siddur is new for a religion as old as Noahides. Was there a siddur in Abraham’s time??

Ariella Davidi Well it depends, are you a Sephardic ger, Ashkenazi ger, mezrahi ger? Even we Jews have multiple prayer books. Im really not sure of the point?

DM Molato This is an idea of confusion? How the gentiles be enlighten if there's no correct or an exact teaching from the Jewish people?

DM Molato To whom we the gentiles rely on? How will be the fulfilment of Zechariah 8:20-23?

Russell Kirk DM Molato exactly... that’s why I don’t believe the Noahide needs a separate siddur if we are to grasp the Torah of the Jew...

Gorgonio Cabilete why some noachide made there sidur ? who authorized them to do that?

Russell Kirk Gorgonio Cabilete their pocket books...

Gorgonio Cabilete Russell Kirk Oohhh so there is no Orthodox Rabbi commanded to do so? Actually i ask this because i want a clarification of this subject.

Danilo S Abanilla I thought both all of you are a rightious one. You insult the noahide of his own practice of being a rightious gentile .so if you think that mo rabbi guided with us through our prayer and observance of a 7 laws go ahead of what you are becouse you know to your selves that you being save from this olam hashe and your street bound to olam haba .but you know that all of us will pass through the hell of fire

Julien Willow This statement is really not fair to noahides. Jewish Sidurs are prayers specific to the Jewish people, some things technically not applicable to noahides.

Russell Kirk Julien Willow if you pray in the merit of Israel it does not matter... these new prayer books coming out separate the Noahide from Israel instead attaching them to Israel... If I can’t pray in the merit of Israel what does that make me? And if I won’t pray in the merit of Israel what does that say about me? If the purpose of the righteous non Jew is not to make a new religion then how can the righteous non Jew be separated out from Israel... that is the point here...

Julien Willow Russell Kirk I think this is why Paul and Peter created messianic Noahidism.

Albeit people like you and I love the Jewish people and Judaism, not everyone has the same level of passion.

Not everyone wants to be holy, nor be observant. They need something more tailored to their needs.

The cultural differences are simply too vast. Even i, who tend to be prudish in opinion find that I cannot fit right into a Jewish community because of cultural differences. It's something I must slowly learn. And I'm willing. Then you have the Jewish people who are fearful of Lashon Hara, so they keep their opinions to themselves, on top of the fact that religious Jewish believers aren't very talkative because that's not the Jewish culture, of course there are the few exceptions here and there.

If gentiles were indeed commited to Noahidism or ger, HaShem would have raised a rabbi cator to gentiles, and he has. The honest truth is gentiles aren't ready for that level of commitment.

Michael Clark Anyone who thanks this is good teaching is crazy! I would rather stay a Christian than a noahide.

Russell Kirk

December 16, 2018

Haha... how funny Noahide Nations is using the status of Ger Toshav to sell their way over priced learning program after they tell Noahides they can’t learn Torah and there is no such thing as a Ger Toshav... you can’t make this stuff up.... I’m wondering if the Noahides want to prepare themselves for being a Ger Toshav why don’t they just live their life “like” a Ger Toshav now like we do.... and save their money....

Russell Kirk Rabbi David Katz adheres to the Nascent Sanhedrin rulings on all his teachings... meaning if anyone has issues with any of Rabbi Katz’s teachings the Nascent Sanhedrin will rule on the discrepancy... this will end the need for unsubstantiated letters defaming a kosher Rabbi and his teachings... and for the record the Nascent Sanhedrin invited all eight signers if the bogus letter circulated about Rabbi Katz for them to justify their claims against him... all eight of them refused to show up.... proving they can not justify their public deformation of a Kosher Rabbi...

Michael Frederick if whoever was trying to accomplish something in that email - they did it. People will realize what really is going on there. I'd be willing to bet they were looking on for a response. We must try to cultivate unity. Neither side is no better at this point. Noahide and Ger are both important to the world. Teachers really are capable of making mistakes and who does it hurt? Their students.

Russell Kirk Michael Frederick I don’t see any Ger Rabbi or Ger Teacher charging this kind of money for pages of a siddur and/or classes... then dangling the hope of residency in Israel to non Jews to sweeten the deal.... I don’t mind sharing in some of the blame for some hard feeling I contributed to that... but the Ger has exploded the Torah for financial gains... and this type of exploration of Torah needs to be exposed

James Rogers There's one born every minute.

Salinda Sheffels How sad to see this level of misdirection for profit

Russell Kirk I think the oscillation here be between telling The Noahide they can’t study Torah to make money from them and then telling them they can study only the Torah they give you to make even more money from the Noahides... the oscillation here is the Noahides money from their pocket to theirs...

There is much more of this nonsense but I think you get the point so far.


4.1. Ger Russell Kirk and Wife Allowed to Raise Funds

In the previous section the Ger Gang attacks Noahide Nations and the Talmudic University for daring to raise funds.

Let's have a look at all their teachers and members NOT raising funds.

I thought I would start with Ger Leader Kirk NOT raising funds.


Even Ger Kirk's wife is allowed to raise funds.  She charges me for her products and I'm supposed to give them away?  How sad is that?  How fair is that?

On Jun 19, 2012, at 4:30 PM, "Ray Pettersen" <Ray@NoahideNations.com> wrote:

Hi Teresa,

Hope all is well with you and Russell.  I was wondering if I could get 3 of the Challah Covers?


From: Teresa Kirk [mailto:thk358@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:17 PM
To: <ray@noahidenations.com>
Subject: Re: Challah Covers

Will start working on them. When do you need them?

Teresa Kirk 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 25, 2012, at 9:35 AM, "Ray Pettersen" <ray@noahidenations.com> wrote:

Hi Teresa,

Just checking to see where you were at with the Challah Covers?  Any chance of getting them this month by the end of the month?


From: Teresa Kirk [mailto:thk358@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 6:07 PM
To: <ray@noahidenations.com>
Subject: Re: Challah Covers

I have been having trouble with them I don't like the design and can't get the new one to come out right and for the price that you pay.  You will probably have to tell them that the company has gone out of business.  Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Teresa Kirk 

Sent from my iPhone


4.2. Ger Teacher Joel Bakst (Baks) and Wife Allowed to Raise Funds

Here we can see one of the Ger Gang teachers being allowed to raise funds.  All while they are criticizing Noahide Nations for doing the same thing.








4.3. Ger Teacher David Katz Allowed to Raise Funds

This is another Ger Gang teacher, David Katz, who has their permission to raise funds.  Noahide Nations is still waiting for the Ger Gang Leadership to explain why we are not allowed to raise funds.  Please note the first exhibit is the pay David Katz demanded from Noahide Nations.  Much of which was donated by Ray and Mary Pettersen so others could attend the classes for free.





The Ger Gang Leadership believes it's OK for David Katz to charge $600 for nine 55 minute class. 
Noahide Nations charged $300 - $400 for 60 live, 1 hour minimum, classes on the Noahide Laws & Life Cycle Course. 
The course was researched, developed and written by poskim (Judges).  This course is fully
sourced and is accepted by Orthodox Rabbis from around the world.  In other words we teach actual Torah.


4.4. Ger Teacher Rabbi Ariel Bar Zadok Allowed to Raise Funds

Rabbi Ariel Bar Zadok is allowed to raise funds.



Religion is more about man than it is about God, and that is the way God wants it to be. 


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The Works of Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright (C) 1993 - 2019 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

4.5. Ger Teacher Rabbi Chaim Clorfene Allowed to Raise Funds

First item you will see here is the utter audacity of Ger teachers Rabbi Clorfene and David Katz asking me and/or Noahide Nations to fund their book on "Ger".  It is incredibly audacious of them to ask me for funds while their students demonize me for raising funds.  This speaks volume's to what the "I Get Ger/I Get Ger 2.0 and Shalom 70" leadership, teachers and members are truly all about.

Dear Ray:

Shalom. I, too, am sorry about the confusion and lack of communication. Yes, I know about the meeting with Rabbi Arush and Rabbi Katz. And I know about the their discussion concerning the Ger, but I am not so familiar with the details that I could report about what was said, other than Rabbi Arush agreeing that according to Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, the "Ger" mentioned in Torah 14 of Likutei Maran was both the Jewish convert and the Noahide, and all the other mentions of "Ger" in that book included both Jew and Noahide as well. 

I forgot to mention that Rav Katz and I are now looking for help in defraying the publishing costs of our new book by selling dedications. Anyone seeking a blessing for oneself or one's loved ones, for publicity purposes or just for the sake of a great mitzvah, we are certain that, with Hashem's help, this book is going to become a new classic of Noahide Torah. The book focuses on "the parables, stories, and historical narratives that form the character and world view of a people." The entire book exists solely to strengthen the cultural and spiritual identity of B'nai Noah. And it includes the introduction of the "Torah of Shem" which we believe will be a breakthrough to a new dimension of Noahide Torah. We need help with this project and if you are interested either personally or for Noahide Nations, or know someone else who would want to share some of the merit of this book, please let us know. A full page dedication is $5000.00 and a half page is $2500.00. The working title of the book (not 100% firm at this point) is "The Way of the Ger." I would be happy to email a sample chapter if you are interested in joining in for a share of this mitzvah.

Chag Sameyach and may you receive the Torah with joy on Shavuot.  

Chaim Clorfene


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4.6. It's All About the Money-Conclusion

The evidence clearly demonstrates the anyone who is friendly and agrees with the "Non-Jewish Ger's" at I Get Ger/I Get Ger 2.0 and now Shalom 70 are free to charge people for whatever they want, regardless of the amount.  Mike Mattlage and Russell Kirk promote these people on a regular basis.  Even Russell Kirk promotes the sale of his products.  If they were honest and fair they would bad mouth everyone of their teachers for doing the exact same exact thing.  Why have they not included in their attacks their own people or themselves for promoting their products?  Additionally, how did Yeshiva University, Hebrew University and every other yeshiva on the planet escape their wrath?  The answer is quite simple, they have selectively targeted  Ray & Mary Pettersen and Noahide Nations with their assault.  Why?  Simple, they are jealous and have tremendous hate for Ray Pettersen.  There reasons?  No one really knows why except that Noahide Nations has achieved a great deal more than they have and helped many more people learn the truth in Torah than they have, over the past 15 years.  They are desperately trying to make themselves relevant in the Noahide and Jewish world by tearing down Noahide Nations, the founder and his wife.  What they will say is that they never attacked my wife, Mary. 

HaShem says in Genesis 2:24 "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh".  For anyone who has been married for 25+ years you will find know this verse to be completely true.  My wife and I find ourselves literally saying and thinking the exact same things at the exact same time.  We laugh with each other about it and also sit in awe of HaShem's statement in this verse.  Unfortunately, it goes well beyond that in that when I am hurting, Mary is hurting; when Mary hurts, I hurt.  When they attack me, they are attacking Mary as well.  When they attack Noahide Nations they attack both of us because HaShem gave the idea of Noahide Nations to me, and Mary is on the Board of Directors.

It goes without saying that every time the non-Jewish Ger attacks Noahide Nations they attack everyone, teachers, students, everyone on our Facebook group and many more who are involved with Noahide Nations, which numbers in the thousands around the world.  In all honesty, Russell and Mike should be ashamed of themselves along with everyone who has joined in on this as well as those who know Mary & I and Noahide Nations and sat back and did nothing about it. 

If the evidence presented here does not define hypocrisy then every dictionary on the planet has the wrong definition.

5. Russell Kirk, Mike Mattlage and the Ger Gang Attack Noahides and Rabbis-Intro

This video ia a wonderful example of Mike's Torah personality as he attacks 8 Rabbi's who dared to question and debate the "Ger Teachings" of David Katz. There was no debate on the topic but rather a lot of name calling by the I Get Ger/Shalom 70 Facebook Group. Additionally, Mike talks about how the Rabbis and Noahides have prevented the moshiach's anointing because Joel Bakst (Baks) yeshiva was turned down by the residents of Tzvat.  Mike also shows off his ego by apologizing to all the world on our behalf. If this wasn't so serious it would be laughable.

5.1. Russell Kirk, Mike Mattlage and the Ger Gang Attack Noahides and Rabbis I

Russell and Mike show off their version of Torah.





5.2. Russell Kirk, Mike Mattlage and the Ger Gang Attack Noahides and Rabbis II

Russell Kirk

March 14

What can you say.... some Noahides want to be treated as idolators.