26. Noahide & Jews Roundtable Duscussion

This roundtable discussion between B'nai Israel and B'nai Noah is possibly the most powerful and uplifting moment of the 2008 World Conference of the Noahide Nations.  The panel includes a number of rabbis including Rabbi Chaim Richmond, Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, Rabbi Zvi Aviner and also Dr. Andrew Goldfinger as well as Malkah Fleischer and Yishai Fleischer. They answered many important questions such as Noahides being able to do more than just the seven Noahide Laws, can Noahides eat kosher, where's the zit zit and/or a tallit and do Noahides hurt their souls if they do an additional mitzvot and do it wrong. Also discussed was lashon-hara (evil speech), what is it and what it is not, the damage being done when somebody commits lashon-hara and how does it hurt you when you commit lashon-hara? There are too many topics to list here but if you want to be inspired about being a Noahide and in what our future holds than you do not want to miss this roundtable discussion.