Topic outline
Classes are Sunday's at 2:30 pm Eastern Time
Rabbi Chaim Coffman - Teacher
Columbia University
Graduated in 1990 with a degree in History
Yeshiva EducationYeshivat Hamivtar (“Brovenders”) 1988, 1991-1993
Yeshiva University 1990-1991
Kollel Ohr Yitzhak (Ramot Polin) 1993-2000 where we learned most of seder Nashim and Nezikim biyun and Yoreh Deah ((הלכות תערובת, בשר וחלב, ומליחה There was great emphasis on personal development and growth with many classes focused on marital relationships and raising children. We also developed skills in public speaking as well as hands on experience learning how to integrate our learning into our everyday lives.
Kollel Merkaz HaTorah 1999-2004 under the guidance of the Raavad (President) of the Eidah Chareidit HaRav Hagaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita. We analyzed gemara texts with emphasis of deriving the halacha from the sugya at hand.
Work Experience
Heritage House – 1993-1994 - Instructor
Jewish Student Information Center – 1993-2003 - Instructor
Beit Midrash program at Hebrew University – 1993-1996 - Instructor
Yeshivat Ohr Sameach – 1993-1995 - Instructor
Yeshivat Ohr David – 1996-2000. Weekly classes in Jewish Philosophy based on the text of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman and weekly parsha based on the text of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, the famed Mashgiach (spiritual mentor) of the Mir Yeshiva. I took esoteric ideas and made it understandable for the modern age. I advised and guided the students as a mentor as well as giving career guidance. I also substituted for other rebbes and gave gemara shiurim.
Kollel Merkaz HaTorah - 2001-2004 - Instructor
The Eidah HaChareidis Rabbinical Court – 1999-2004
Rabbi Coffman is one of the leading conversion Rabbi's in the world and has been converting non-Jews for the past 16 years. He also does multiple radio show teachings and taught the advanced Way of G-d Course for the Nagid of Noahide Nations.