Catalog of Courses

3. Derech Hashem: Way of God Course

This is a tuition based certification course taught by Rav Chaim Coffman.  If you are a Noahide Nations Nagid this course will be counted towards your Nagid Continuing Education record.


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 I – FUNDAMENTALS – Session 1 - Nine (9) weeks long with two (2) classes each week.

 1)      The Creator          

 2)      The Purpose of Creation

 3)      Man

 4)      Human Responsibility                                                                                         

 5)      The Spiritual Realm

 II – PROVIDENCE – Session 2 - Nine (9) weeks long with two (2) classes each week   

 1)      Providence

 2)      Man in This World

 3)      Individual Providence

 4)      Israel and the Nations

 5)      How Providence Works

 6)      The System of Providence

 7)      The Influence of the Stars

 8)      Details of Providence

 III – THE SOUL, INSPIRATION & PROPHESY - Session 3 - Seven (7) weeks long with two (2) classes each week

 1)      The Soul & Its Influence

 2)      Theurgy – 14 pages

 3)      Inspiration & Prophesy

 4)      The Prophetic Experience

 5)      Moshe as a Prophet

  IV – SERVING GOD – Session 4 - Twelve (12) weeks with two (2) classes each week

 1)      General Areas of Divine Service

 2)      Study of Torah

 3)      Love and Fear of God

 4)      The Shema and Its Blessing

 5)      Prayer

 6)      The Order of the Day

 7)      Periodic Observances

 8)      Seasonal Commandments

 9)      Circumstantial Observances and Blessings

 V- AN ESSAY ON FUNDAMENTALS - ORAL LAW – Session 5 - by Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
  Seven (7) weeks long with two (2) classes each week

 1)      The Spiritual World

 2)      Torah and Commanments

 3)      Reward and Punishment

 4)      Paradise and Gehinnom

 5)      Providence

 6)     Moshe and Prophesy

 7)      The Redemption

 8)     Miracles

 9)     The Unwritten Torah