59. Dinim I: Introduction

Outline of Lesson:

1. Introduction
2. The Basics of Dinim
          a. Maimonides, Melachim 9:14
3. Sanhedrin 56b: R’ Yochanan & R’ Yitzchok
4. Katzenellenbogen & Bragadini v. Guistiniani, Venice 1550
          a. Rav Moshe Isserles, Shu”t HaRama, No. 10
5. Reception of the Rama’s Ruling
          a. Aruch LaNer
          b. Asmachta vs. Horaah
          c. The Netziv
          d. The Talmud itself…
          e. Pre-Sinai vs. Post-Sinai
          f. Precedents