20. Noahide Prayer - Blessings II

Lesson Video I

Lesson Video II

Outline of This Lesson:
1. Introduction
2. Blessings on Benefit
          a. Blessings Over Food & Drink
          b. Before-Blessings

1. Bread
2. Grain Foods
3. Wine
4. Fruits
5. Veggies
6. All Other Foods
          ii. Guiding Principles

          b. The Blessing After Eating
7. The Blessing Taught by Abraham

          c. Blessings on Aromas

8. Spices
9. Fragrant Trees & Their Flowers
10. Fragrant Grasses, Herbs, and Flowers
11. Fragrant Fruits

3. Blessings of Praise & Gratitude

12. Lightening
13. Thunder
14. Rainbows
15. Oceans
16. Things Beautiful
17. Things Grotesque or Exotic
18. Fruit Trees in Bloom
19. Outstanding Torah Scholar
20. Outstanding Secular Scholar
21. Gentile King
22. Seeing One Who Has Recovered From Mortal Sickness
23. Good News
24. Bad News
25. Miracles