1. For Further Study by Noahides
Please purchase these books by clicking on the blue link. These companies support Noahide Nations. Thank you.
Chumash (Torah) & Nakh (Prophets & Writings)
- Stone Edition Chumash Artscroll - English/Hebrew edition of the Torah with an anthology of the classic commentaries.
- Stone Edition Tanakh Artscroll - English/Hebrew edition of the entire Hebrew scriptures with minimal commentary and reference.
- Midrash Rabbah: Bereshis & Noach – Moral, ethical, and homiletic insights into the subtle nuances of the Torah’s narrative. Lots of material relevant to Noahides.
- Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah (Artscroll Sapirstein Ed. Item# SRAHS) – Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki’s commentary lays draws upon the entire corpus of Midrash, Talmud, etc. to explain the events of the Torah. Although Rashi writes many times “I only come to explain the plain meaning of the text,” his commentary does much more than deal with “plain meanings.” Rashi is viewed as the “starting point” for any question on the Chumash.
- Ramban’s Commentary on the Torah (Artscroll Ed. Item# SRBNS) – in the 13th century Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Bar Nachman, also called Nachmanides) wrote a commentary analyzing Rashi’s remarks and considering alternative explanations. Reading Rashi alongside the Ramban really conveys the “whole picture.”
- The Torah Anthology: Beginnings [Beraishis & Noah] (Moznaim Item#930153-2) – an 18th century commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Culi. Originally entitled Me’am Loez, it weaves together commentary, law, ethics, and mysticism to flesh out a practical understanding of the Torah. It is also very enjoyable to read.
- Artscroll Tanach Series: Bereshis/Genesis, In 2 Volumes (Artscroll Item #BERH) - In depth commentary on the book of Bereshis/Genesis. Excellent for study.
- Tractate Sanhedrin (Artscroll Schottenstein Ed. Vol. 48 Item# DTSA2) – These pages contain most of the Talmud’s discussion of the Noahide laws. Remember that not all of the opinions brought in the Talmud are actual law. Knowing and deriving the Talmud’s conclusions is a skill that must be learned. It is important to learn this with a study partner or someone who has established skills in learning Talmud.
Mishneh Torah - Maimonides compiled the first complete statement of all Torah law from the Talmud, Midrashim, and other texts. It a monumental work, yet not without its flaws. Notably, Maimonides rarely quoted his sources or explained his rationales. Torah scholars have spent centuries reconstructing his reasoning and method for understanding the Torah. Of course, this may be exactly what Maimonides wanted. Although the halacha, actual law, does not always follow Maimonides, his writings are essential for both Jews and Noahides desiring to know God’s expectations of them.
- Vol. 1: Yesodei HaTorah – Foundatons of the Torah (Moznaim Item# 963669-1) – The foundations of Torah belief.
- Vol. 2: Hilchos Deos - Attributes (Moznaim Item# 963669-2) – Human traits and qualities.
- Vol. 3: Avodas Kokhavim – Idolatry & Idolaters (Moznaim Item# 963669-3) – Laws of idolatry & idolaters.
- Vol. 4: Laws of Teshuvah (Moznaim Item# 963669-4) – Principles of repentance.
- Vol. 26: Sefer Nezikin – Monetary Laws (Moznaim Item# 963669-26) – Monetary and civil law.
- Vol. 29: Sefer Shoftim – Kings & Judges (Moznaim Item# 963669-29) – includes Maimnonides’s writings on the Noahide Laws.
Noahide Laws
- The Seven Laws of Noah by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
- The Divine Code Vol. I by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
- The Divine Code Vol. II by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
- Psalms (Artscroll Bilingual Full Size Ed. Item# TEHH; Pocket Sized Ed. Item# TEPH)
- The Order: A Communal and Individual Noahide Siddur
Faith, Belief, and Thought
- The Way of God by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Feldheim Ed. Item# 141 – Note that there are full sized and compact editions available) – Classic exposition on the fundamentals of Torah thought and belief.
- The Handbook of Jewish Thought, Vol. 1 & 2 (Moznaim Item# 505075-1 & 505075-2) – Excellent compendia of the basics of Torah belief. Though geared toward Jews, it contains much material relevant to Noahides as well.
The Universal Garden of Emunah by Rabbi Shalom Arush
- Restore My Soul (Moznaim Item# 58620) – Rav Nachaman of Breslov’s writings on repentance translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.
- Outpouring of the Soul (Moznaim Item# 61578) – Rav Nachaman of Breslov’s writings on prayer translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.
- Our Amazing World (Artscroll Item# WOWH) – Seeing God’s wonders in the world around us.
- Our Wonderous World (Artscroll Item# AMAH) – Sequel to Our Amazing World.
Other Laws and Practices
- Interpersonal
- The Laws of Interpersonal Relationships (Artscroll Item #JTVH)
Proper Speech
- Chofetz Chaim Lesson a Day (Artscroll Item# LADH)
- Chofetz Chaim: The Family Lesson a Day (Artscroll Item# FLADH)
- Positive Word Power (Artscroll Item# PWPH)
- Money in Halacha (Feldheim Item# 6980)
- Halachos of Other People’s Money (Feldheim Item# 3721)
- Cases in Monetary Law (Artscroll Item# CAM1H)
- The Laws of Brachos (Artscroll Item# LOBH)
- The Order: A Communal and Individual Noahide Siddur
- The Fifth Commandment: Honoring Parents (Artscroll Item# FIFH)
- My Father, My Mother & Me (Artscroll Item# MFMMH)
- Visiting the Sick (Artscroll Item# VTSH)
- The Laws of Tzedakah & Maaser (Artscroll Item# LOTH)
- The Tzedakah Treasury (Artscroll Item# TZTH)
- Returnity, byR’ Tal Zwecker (Menucha Publishers)
- The Power of Teshuvah, by R’ Heshy Kleinman (Artscroll Item# POTP)
- A Touch of Purity, by R’ Yechiel Spero (Artscroll Item# TPUEI)
- 26 Reasons Jews Don’t Believe in Jesus (Feldheim Item# 4412)
- Permission to Believe by Lawrence Kelemen (Menucha Publishers)
- Permission to Receive by Lawrence Kelemen (Menucha Publishers)
- The Real Messiah by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (Artscroll Item# U-REMP)
- HaYesod (Feldheim Item# 1734)