14. Mike Mattlage Teshuvah Video That Isn't
14.2. Mike's "We're Getting a Great Response" Statement
Mike Mattlage claims that they are getting a great response to their peace proposal of joining them and all will be well. I wish I could share the email responses that Mike and Russell are getting because Jews and true Noahides understand the laws of loshon hara and slander are. Mike and Russell even claimed that I joined their group which of course is a work of fiction. I wouldn't join this group if it was the only group on Facebook. If you have made it this far you have seen what this Ger Gang has done to me, my wife and Noahide Nations and many of our friends you will quickly realize that it was a fabrication. Here is what took place. They tried to say that I joined their gang and then left. That's ridiculous and a flat out lie. Here is some of what took place.
I did not include everything that has come into me because there is just to much, but I think you get the general feeling from these people how they really feel no matter what Mike and Russell have to say. Finally, I have removed the names of the people who sent me these emails as I refuse to make them target's of such nasty people.
Here are some of the responses to Mike and Russell's fake peace initiative. Many of these are from the very same people Mike named in the video's. This is what they really feel about the Ger Gang.
Dear Ray,
Mike really believes that his "sincerity" is going to heal all the damage he has done and is still doing.
I don't want to have any contact with these people. It literally sickens me to listen to his pompous ego.
No, this is not teshuvah. It is rather pompous ego. There is nothing to rejoice about here.
I'm glad to be on good terms with you (call it a meeting of hearts), but I don't see very much likelihood of a meeting of minds yet. There are just too many issues standing between us. Issues about what Judaism is, what Rabbinical authority is, what being an Orthodox Rabbi entails.
Shalom Ray!
You can rest assured that I support you in this controversy. You probably recall that I didn't sign on to the letter that the group of Rabbis released (I'm not a Rabbi), but I posted a separate letter from Rabbi Moshe Weiner about David Katz and Chaim Clorfene.
Hello Ray,
Thanks be to HaShem that I was only just out of Xtianty not even a few months and that was about three years ago when I myself stumbled across these guys. I was not even in their group for more than three months when it just did not feel right so I left their FB group. Something smelt off and this guy called Katz who I believe started this whole GER thing just did not look like the real deal. I searched and searched and then discovered you. Best decision I ever made. Sadly, some will find out much later but hopefully soon with your stand, things will be more out in the open and action will be taken....whatever that action might be. It is both terrible and sad what they are doing as many who are trying to come of Xtianity are being taken for another false ride and they don't even know it.
Thank you Ray.
Do you know when the video attacking you and Noachide Nations was made and broadcast?
It would seem to me that if he had made all of those accusations against you previously, then appropriate teshuvah would not be via releasing a subsequent video seeking to bury the hatchet with all his opponents. Appropriate teshuvah would be to contact you directly, articulate what he believes he did wrong and to then apologize and seek your forgiveness.
With Torah blessings,