8. Who is Rod Bryant of Netiv?

My wife Mary and I actually met with Rod Bryant many years ago and when we sat down with him my soul reacted to being in his presence, and not in a good way.  I do not know why my soul reacted the way it did, I guess  HaShem was just protecting me from whatever He felt was wrong.  So, we have avoided any contact with him as a result.  And, low and behold years later it was revealed why HaShem protected us.  Rod Bryant is a Ger and a member of the Ger Gang that I have previously exposed.  Yes, the same Ger Gang that belittled Rabbi Bloomenstiel, my self and Noahide Nations.  Yes, the same Ger Gang who's leader Mike Matlege released a video on hunting down Noahides who would not believe and/or comply in what they believe in.  Yes, these are the same people who threatened the life of Rabbi Bloomenstiel and his family.  If you are unfamiliar with these people or need a refresher please go HERE

At Netiv, founder Rod Bryant sold stacks of  'The World of the Ger' book and had David Katz teach at Netiv.  He was the MC at the Ger Gang conference in Waco, interviewed David Katz on his radio show on Israel National Radio as well as other involvement with the Ger.  I do not know if Rod participated in the evil abuse put out by the Ger Gang but he certainly knew it was going on and said nothing.  And, you know what they say..."your silence, is your consent".  Rod wasn't alone in this because there were hundreds of people who sat back and watched these people systematically slander me and attempted to destroy Noahide Nations, Rabbi Bloomenstiel and the very course that Rod is now bragging about having on Netiv.  This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen!  If you don't believe me when I say Rod is a Ger then believe him.

Ger Leader Rod introducing Ger leader Mike Matledgeat the Ger Conference in Waco, TX.                                        


Ger Leader, Rod Bryant, introducing Chief Ger Mike Mattledge and his upcoming class on being Ger.




    Still not convinced?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

 Rod's Ger Gang Membership - 6 years and counting


The announcement below of me joining this Shalom 70/Ger Gang group was another false statement.  Why would I join a group the spent years murdering my reputation?

Take note of the remark below about Ger Toshav in Texas.  If this was not so serious it would be laughable!


Who in the world teaches non-Jews to keep a kosher kitchen and how to do it???    Oh, yeah, the Ger Gang does!!!!!