5. Russell Kirk, Mike Mattlage and the Ger Gang Attack Noahides and Rabbis-Intro

5.8. Russell Kirk, Mike Mattlage and the Ger Gang Attack Noahides and Rabbis VII

Russell speaks about how these Rabbis are disrespectful.  This is anti-Semitism on display by someone calling himself a righteous non-Jew.  When you attack a book you attack everything and everyone in the book including those who have taken the time to write a haksama (approbation).  I have put up a some of the approbations for your review.  Everyone of these Rabbi's are far superior in Torah knowledge than Russell Kirk will ever be.  These Rabbi's have been yeshiva trained and have an accumulation of 100's of years of Torah learning, teaching and wisdom.  A number of them sit on the highest courts in Israel.  To say that this is disgusting, on Russell's part, would be an understatement.  It shows a high degree of anti-Semitism, anti Torah and against non-Jews learning proper Torah.  After seeing this why would anyone, in their right mind, want to learn Torah from the Ger Gang.